# Gerald Banon, 2002 - 2022 # displayControl.tcl # default display control # The tcl variables and arrays below are used to control # the submit permission and the appearance of the Submit and Update forms # This file may be placed in the directories as defined in sourceDisplayControl # (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ set referenceTypeList { {Journal Article} {Book} {Book Section} {Edited Book} {Magazine Article} {Newspaper} {Newspaper Article} {Conference Proceedings} {Thesis} {Personal Communication} {Computer Program} {Report} {Map} {Image} {Data} {Audiovisual Material} {Film or Broadcast} {Unpublished} {Misc} {Artwork} {Patent} {Electronic Source} {Resume} {Archival Unit} {Administrative Document} } # == Variables which are common for all reference types # >> About mirrorPageOpeningOption # mirrorPageOpeningOption value is About or Recent (the default) # cgi(framename) (if it exists) has precedence over mirrorPageOpeningOption # set mirrorPageOpeningOption About # set mirrorPageOpeningOption Recent (default) # >> About secondarySearchExpression # secondarySearchExpression == query2 (see CreateMirror) # optional # used to create virtual Archive # Examples: # set secondarySearchExpression {group DPI} ;# restrict the search to the group DPI # set secondarySearchExpression {} ;# no restriction (default) # >> About languagePreference # optional # Any change requires reloading the corresponding bibliografic mirror. # If languagePreference doesn't exist then the preference follows # the browser language preference # Examples: # set languagePreference en ;# English # set languagePreference pt-BR ;# Portuguese/Brazil # set languagePreference pt-BR ;# commented by GJFB in 2023-12-16 to allow the access by both portugues and english users # >> About restrictedSubmission # if restrictedSubmission is 1 then the second password field is hidden # and no self authentication/resgistration can be done. # The authentication/registration must be done by the administrator or # can be done upon request by an author whose e-mail domain appear in the # list of authorized e-mail domains (see authorizedEmailDomains just below). # if restrictedSubmission is 0 then the second password field is displayed # and self authentication/resgistration can be done by the author # just by repeating his password in this second field. # For a given reference type, restrictedSubmission is effective # if and only if the corresponding User Name field is set to be # displayed # 0 means that the registration can be done by anyone # At installation, in order to register the administrator, restrictedSubmission # must be set to 0 or the -o option of ./post must be used. # set restrictedSubmission 0 set restrictedSubmission 1 # >> About restrictedAccessWarning # if restrictedAccessWarning is 1 then the restricted access warning is displayed # if restrictedAccessWarning is 0 then no restricted access warning is displayed # used with Get only set restrictedAccessWarning 0 ;# default set restrictedAccessWarning 1 # >> About authorizedEmailDomains # authorizedEmailDomains value is a list of authorized e-mail domains # The value of authorizedEmailDomains is meaningfull just if the value of restrictedSubmission is 1 # set authorizedEmailDomains inpe.br # >> About displaySubmitMenu # if displaySubmitMenu is 1 then the Submit Menu is displayed in the menu bar (Button frame) # if displaySubmitMenu is 0 then the Submit Menu is not displayed in the menu bar (Button frame) set displaySubmitMenu 1 # >> About choice # values are: short, brief, briefTitleAuthor, briefTitleAuthorMisc, full, fullbibtex, fullrefer, fullBibINPE and fullXML set choice brief # set choice briefTitleAuthorMisc # >> About outputFormat # set the default value for cgi(outputformat) in cgi/mirrorsearch.tcl # values are: 0, 1, affiliation, ref-year-cite or year-cite # 0 means to display title and author (choice == briefTitleAuthor) # 1 (default) means to display title, author, username, update # affiliation means to display title, author and affiliation # ref-year-cite means to display title, author, reference type, year, (restricted access), how to cite, BibTeX, access, (update), (similars) # year-cite means to display title, author, year, how to cite # metadata-id means to display the metadata link and the identifier # misc may also be a list of field names (including the names: update, size, tertiarymark, fulltext, referencetype, repository, identifier, rankingmenu and checkbox) # for example: # {e-mailaddress abstract} means to display title, author, e-mailaddress and abstract set outputFormat 1 ;# default value for cgi(outputformat) in cgi/mirrorsearch.tcl # set outputFormat {referencetype year} ;# default value for cgi(outputformat) in cgi/mirrorsearch.tcl ## >> About headerBgColor, headerFont, cellBgColor and cellFont # >> About headerBgColor, headerFont, and cellBgColor # define attributes for the Metadata Table in Submit # and the Field Name List in Field if 0 { # commented in 2017-11-06 by GJFB - not used anymore - no more customizable - headerBgColor is now set in ^Field (see CreateMirror) set headerBgColor #DCDCDC ;# Migration 28/06/2005 - used in ^Field set headerFont {} ;# Migration 28/06/2005 } # set cellBgColor #BCBCBC set cellBgColor #D6D6D6 # set cellFont {} # >> About returnAddress # returnAddress is optional # it is used by mirror.tcl when Submit or Update are forbidden # set returnAddress {../About} # >> About permissionList # The submission form and update button, are displayed just for permitted IP. # No or an empty permissionList means to deny all IPs, except the proper site. # The permissionList value is a list of allowed ip regular expression. # In order to get the update word (in brief search result), the client ip # must match the permissionList. # Any change requires reloading of the corresponding mirror repository. # Examples: # All Sites means to allow all IPs # All IPs means to allow all IPs # means to allow # means to allow and # ^150.163 means allow to all ips beginning with 150.163 # set permissionList {{All IPs}} set permissionList {{All Sites}} # set permissionList {^150.163.34 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^} # >> About ps2pdfConverterPathList # used for ePrint # specifies the possible paths of the ps (or prn) to pdf converter set ps2pdfConverterPathList {\ {C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\ {C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\ {C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}} # >> About ePrintAdministrator # used for ePrint # optional # defines the advanced username when the author closes his ePrint # example: set ePrintAdministrator marciana # >> About siteListForSearch # used to expand the search to other sites # used to find author names, journal names, ... in the green area of the submit form # optional # set siteListForSearch {} # >> About displayReviewButton # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 1 # 0 means to don't display the review button # 1 means to display the review button # set displayReviewButton 0 # >> About attributeTable # optional # attributeTable is used to automatically fill a field at document submission # attributeTable may be set using: Administrator page for setting field value attributes # examples: # set attributeTable(year=2008,area=SRE,issn,secondarymark,0149-1423) A # set attributeTable(year=2007,journal,dissemination,Agriculture,_Ecosystems_and_Environment) {WEBSCI PORTALCAPES} # in this last case, for instance, when submitting a document with the field journal filled out with {Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment}, # then the field @dissemination is automatically filled out by Submit with {WEBSCI PORTALCAPES} # >> About attributeListTable # optional # defines the attribute fields within the administrator page for field value attribute setting (see repository iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ # the names of the attribute fields must not (at update) be part of the authorFieldNameList (see LoadGlobalVariables) # examples: # set attributeListTable(year=2008,area=SRE,issn) {secondarymark} # set attributeListTable(year=2008,journal) {dissimination issn} # >> About mappingOrder # optional # defines the mapping options (example of mapping option: year=2008,journal) and their order # used with automatic filling using mappings (tables) in case of mapping composition (see submit.tcl) # example: # set mappingOrder {year=2008,journal year=2008,author year=2008,issn year=2008,firstgroup} # in this last case, the issn value is obtained from # attributeTable(year=2008,journal,issn,Agriculture,_Ecosystems_and_Environment) 0149-1423 # then the secondarymark is obtained from # set attributeTable(year=2008,issn,secondarymark,0149-1423) A # >> About attributeTableFileList # optional # defines a list of url of files containing attribute tables (attributeTable) # example: # set attributeTableFileList { # http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ # http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ # } # >> About displayTable # optional # displayTable is used to customize the administrator page for field value attribute setting # same as displayTable below # example: # array set displayTable {{journal,dissemination} {2.2 {} {} {}}} # >> About boxTable # optional # boxTable is used to customize the administrator page for field value attribute setting # defines the entries of INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (when using 2.2 coding) # array set boxTable {journal,dissemination} {{{WEBSCI} 0} {{PORTALCAPES} 0} {{SCIELO} 0} {{AGU} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{COMPENDEX} 0}} # >> About automaticFilling # optional # automaticFilling value is 0 or 1 # 1 means to try automatic filling using mappings (tables) # 0 means to force manual filling # omitting automaticFilling is equivalent as automaticFilling == 0 (manual filling) # == Variables which are specific to a given reference type # >> About contentTypeTable # defines mandatory content types # no or empty contentTypeTable means allow all content types # some values are: # application/msword # application/applefile (for msword as well !!) # application/download # application/force-download # application/gzip # application/iopexport_bib # application/msword # application/octet-stream # application/pdf # application/postscript # application/powerpoint # application/rar # application/save # application/vnd.ms-excel # application/vnd.ms-powerpoint # application/vnd.ms-pps # application/vnd.ms-word.document.12 # application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text # application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template # application/x-gzip # application/x-pdf # application/x-rar # application/x-rar-compressed # application/x-tex # application/x-tcl # application/x-zip # application/x-zip-compressed # application/zip # audio/wav # image/bmp # image/gif # image/jpeg # image/pjpeg # image/png # image/tiff # message/rfc822 # text/css # text/html # text/xml # text/x-tex # text/plain # text/richtext # video/mp4 # >> About orderingFieldTable # optional # defines field order from the top # omitted fields are left in the bottom part following the default order # Example: # array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%T %A}} # >> About headerTable # optional # used for ePrint # defines the header format # example: ## array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate)\\2}} ;# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized ## 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate}} ## >> About userNameList ## not used any more ## optional (if it is not used the next user name is the current one) ## defines the user name for a given document stage ## used to define the next user name ## list is needed because the userNameList content is interpreted ## by Submit using subst ## example: ## set userNameList(Misc) {[list {revision by the library} {marciana} {update by the author} {}]} ## when the value is empty, Submit uses the first user name in cgi(__usergroup_usergroup) # >> About readUserNameList # readUserNameList, readUserList and readergroup are synonymous # optional (if it is not used the readUserList (in Submit) is set to empty, i.e., every one have read permission) # used by Submit (at submit only) # example: # set readUserNameList(Thesis) {yolanda} # if readUserNameList is not empty or if the read permission is {deny from all} # then the advanced user (who submits the document), the next advanced user and the # administrator are added to the read user list by Submit # (to be effective, the option Require User (in Setting the Preferences) must have been selected) ## readergroup returns to empty when read permission is set to {allow from all} (see Submit} # >> About requiredFieldFootnoteTable # defines the footnote reference for required field (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl) # examples: (1) (*) # >> About requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable # defines the footnote reference for required field when closing updating (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl) # examples: (1) (+) # Migration 25/1/04 ## >> About initialFootnoteNumberTable ## defines the initial value for the footnote number ## example: 2 # Migration 25/1/04 - end # >> About searchOptionTable # defines the search option for form filling # values is no or yes; no is default # yes means to display the filling help green frame containing the search option for form filling # >> About searchBaseTable # optional # used by cgi/search.tcl # defines the data base used in the search # values are metadataArray (default) or userArray # example: # array set searchBaseTable {{Misc} {userArray}} # >> About displayTable # displayTable is used to customize the submission and update forms # The first list element specifies the field type as described below # 0 means to don't display (hidden input) # 1.1 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=OFF (must be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group, %@affiliation and %@electronicmailaddress in order to be able to enter one name per line) # 1.2 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=VIRTUAL # 1.3 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=PHYSICAL # 2.1 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=TEXT (should not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group, %@affiliation and %@electronicmailaddress) # 2.2 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group, %@affiliation and %@electronicmailaddress) # 2.3 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=RADIO (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group, %@affiliation and %@electronicmailaddress) - not implemented # 3 means to display a SELECT with optionTable or optionTable2 # 3.1 means to display a SELECT with optionTable or optionTable2, plus an INPUT with TYPE=TEXT (not implemented) # 4 or 5 means to display just the field value # [expr $update?{0}:{2.1}] (for dynamic setting - see administrator page for the submission forms) # the above dynamic setting must not be used with %A, %@group, %@affiliation, %@electronicmailaddress and filename (Submit is not prepared for that) # for the filename field, means to display the link to the document # distinction between 4 and 5 is used to display a review # 4 means to display the parent document link # 5 means to display the parent document link and the parent reference link # The second list element is a reference to a filling instruction footnote # The third list element is the input default value (used for hidden inputs as well) # use fifteen \ before square brackets, example: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[CD-ROM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] # The fourth list element is the customized field name # the fields File Name, User Name and Password can be customized in mirror/xxSubmit.tcl # the field File Name can also be customized in displayControl.tcl (using the fourth list element) and translated in xxFillingInstructions.tcl # >> About boxTable # defines the entries of INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (see item 2.2 above) # array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@dissemination} {{{WEBSCI} 0} {{PORTALCAPES} 0} {{SCIELO} 0} {{AGU} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{COMPENDEX} 0}}} # >> About optionTable # defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above) # each list item == option name == option value # example: # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # example using optgroup: # set {optionTable(Conference Proceedings,%@subject)} { # {} # {{Lattice Theory} {{Algebraic models of images and operators} {Lattice dynamical systems}}} # {{Geometry and Topology} {{Discrete topology} {Geometrical measures and integral geometry}}} # } # >> About optionTable2 # defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above) # each list item == {{option name} {option value}} # example using optgroup: # array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%9} { # {} # {{group 1} {{{- -} {- -}} {{- -} {- -}}}} # {{group 2} {{{- -} {- -}} {{- -} {- -}}}} # }} # >> About orderingTable # optional (for the review system) # defines a field order of the review part of a submit form # array set orderingTable {Misc,relevancia 1} # array set orderingTable {Misc,adequacao 2} # >> About defaultOptionTable # optional # used only when the first list element of displayTable is 3 # defines the SELECTED option if the third list element of displayTable is {} # (the third list element of displayTable, if not {}, overwrites the defaultOptionTable) # useful mainly at submission # useful at update only if the current field value and the third list element of displayTable are both {} # at update, when the field name is %@documentstage and the current field value is not {} # and doesn't match any select options then the field value is et to the value given in # the defaultOptionTable (migration facilities) # documention written by GJFB in 2011-01-17 # >> About updateOptionTable # optional ## defines the updating option, values is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, add, {add and copy} and finish ## defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run, and finish ## defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run and finish ## defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {move to source directory before update}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run and finish # defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {move to source directory before update}, {move to doc directory before update}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run and finish # value may also be a list of the previous items (except all) # at the present time, the allowed values are: all, update, add, {update {remove before update}} and {update finish} # default is all ## all means that the nine menu options: update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy} and finish, may be displayed ## all means that the ten menu options: update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {move to source directory before update}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy} and finish, may be displayed # all means that the ten menu options: update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {move to source directory before update}, {move to doc directory before update}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy} and finish, may be displayed # the resulting display depends upon depositOptionTable (see below) # unless the reference type is Electronic Source, in this case just update and finish are displayed # the display of the options {update source directory} and {remove before update source directory} depends upon the value of enablecopytosource in depositOptionTable (see below) # example: # array set updateOptionTable {{Archival Unit} {update finish}} # >> About acceptCheckBoxFlagTable # optional # value is 0 or 1, 0 means to hide the copyright accept check box and 1 to show it # default is 1 # example: # array set acceptCheckBoxFlagTable {{Resume} 0} # >> About targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable # optional # value is 0 or 1, 0 means to hide the target file check box and 1 to show it # default is 1 # example: # array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Electronic Source} 0} # >> About userListWithPermissionToFinish # optional # defines which advanced users have permission to finish the update cycle # only the advanced users with permission see the finish option # default is all users have permission # example: # array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Journal Article} {marciana viveca@sid.inpe.br}} # >> About depositOptionTable # optional # defines depositing options, values is a list # examples: # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {copytosource}} ;# old coding # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {copyabstracttodoc 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 0 copyabstracttodoc 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 0 copyabstracttodoc 1 copyfootertoagreement 1}} ## array set depositOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 1}} # enablecopytosource and copyabstracttodoc default values are 0s - order is irrelevant # copyfootertoagreement default value is 1 # option order is irrelevant # enablecopytosource controls the display of the options: {Update source Directory} and {Remove before Update source Directory} - useful when all (or no) options are set # >> About numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable # optional (for the review system) # defines the number of reviewers per work (for example 2 or 3) # array set numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable {{Conference Proceedings} 2} # >> About submitTargetFileOptionTable # optional # used when submitting a document, values are disable or enable # default is enable # disable means to don't create target file # array set submitTargetFileOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} disable} # >> About targetFilePatternTable # optional # used to set the target file field if the target file name match the given pattern # used with the metaform for Conference Proceedings # array set targetFilePatternTable {{Conference Proceedings} {fullpaper,*/fullpaper,*/*/fullpaper}.pdf} # >> About fillOutFieldTable # optional # conditional filling # used to automatically fill out a field depending of another field of the type SELECT # for example, if the group field content depends on the area field content: # array set fillOutFieldTable {{Journal Article,%@area,%@group} {{} {} {CEA} {} {COMB} {} {COMP} {LAC} {ETES} {} {FISMAT} {LAS} {FISPLASMA} {LAP} {MET} {} {SRE} {}}} # observation: the value of x in each pair {x y} is ignored (could be anything - what is important, is the pair order, that must be the same as in the list of areas) # conditional filling has precedence over automatic filling # i.e., when in use, it disables automatic filling (in the above example, it disables the automatic filling of the group field) # >> About localCollectionPublisherTable # optional # table values are regular expressions # used to automatically fill out the contenttype field from the publisher field # for example, if the publisher field is filled out with something different from "INPE" # or "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais", # then the contenttype field is automatically filled out with "External Contribution" # otherwise it is filled out with empty # effective only if the current contenttype value is {} or {External Contribution} # array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Conference Proceedings} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais}} # >> About actionTable # optional # used to set dynamically the action value of the form based on a given field value # an action value is the list {serverAddress mirrorRep} # for example if the action value depends on the area field content: # array set actionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{{MET} {mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/}} {{SRE} {mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}}}} # >> About postSubmissionProcessTable # optional # used to define a list of repositories containing scripts to process # the submitted files # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} # >> About submissionMaintenanceTable # optional - default is 0 # used when the submission and update processes must be closed for server maintenance # value is 0 or 1, 1 means to display the server maintenance warning # instead of the submission and update forms # array set submissionMaintenanceTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About closedSubmissionTable # optional - default is 0 # used when the submission process must be closed # value is 0 or 1, 1 means that the submission is closed # array set closedSubmissionTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About closedUpdateTable # optional - default is 0 # used when the update process must be closed # value is 0 or 1, 1 means that the update is closed # array set closedUpdateTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About submissionDestinationTable # optional # used to define the submission destination local collection # used with update and the option add (for example, used with ePrint) # only one field name should be used (here, for example, %@area) # array set submissionDestinationTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {SRE banon-pc2.dpi.inpe.br:1906/col/bighost.com.br/banon/2005/}} # >> About excludedSourceFieldNameTable # optional - default means to don't exclude any fields # used when the query variable sourcereferencetype is part of the query string # then the field transposition between the source reference type and the current # reference type is done except for the excluded fields # array set excludedSourceFieldNameTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%I %C}} # useful when closing ePrints # >> About publishingProgressTable # optional # value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 # for Conference Proceedings: # 1 means: Submission and Update # 2 means: Review Process # 3 means: Update Only # 4 means: Camera-Ready Submission and Update # 5 means: Proceedings Publication # 6 means: Submission Maintenance # controls the update header for Conference Proceedings # set {publishingProgressTable(Conference Proceedings)} 3 # >> About submissionPolicyTable # optional # meaningfull only if restrictedSubmission == 0 # value is 1, 2 or 3 # 1 means to don't permit registration (overwrites restrictedSubmission) # 2 means to create a password for the user # 3 means to leave the user choosing a login/password # >> About archiveAcronym # optional # set archiveAcronym {MCTI/INPE} # >> About conferenceAcronym # optional # set conferenceAcronym {XIII SBSR} # has priority over archiveAcronym # used in controlArray.tcl # >> About displayAllReviewrsTable # optional # value is 0 or 1; 1 means to display all reviewers in the reviewer assignment page # default is 0 # array set displayAllReviewrsTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About blindReviewTable # optional # value is 0 or 1; 1 means to turn the review process blind # array set blindReviewTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About fillingButtonTable # try to fill out the field # optional # value is 0 or 1 # 0 means to don't display the filling buttons (default) # 1 means to display the filling buttons # array set fillingButtonTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About checkingSessionDataTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't check session data when updating a form # 1 means to check session data when updating a form # array set checkingSessionDataTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # array set checkingSessionDataTable {{Book} 1} # >> About hideSubmissionTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't hide the submitted document (visibility is set to shown) # 1 means to hide the submitted document (visibility is set to hidden) # array set hideSubmissionTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About updatePolicyTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # 0 means to force update by the author # 1 means to force update by the alternate user (see alternateUserTable) # when set, the username field value is ignored # array set updatePolicyTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About alternateUserTable # optional # value is a valid user name # default is administrator # used in connection with updatePolicyTable # array set alternateUserTable {{Thesis} supervisor} # >> About excludedFieldListTable # used to exclude the fields listed in fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable from the update process # optional # value is 0 or 1 # 0 means to keep the fields listed in fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable within the update process (excluding the others) # 1 means to exclude the fields listed in fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable from the update process # this option must not be used with a post-submission processing # array set excludedFieldListTable {{Thesis} 1} # >> About fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable # optional # value is a field name list # default is empty # used in connection with excludedFieldListTable # array set fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable {{Thesis} {%O}} # >> About forceAssignedPaperUpdateTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't force the update of assigned paper # 1 means to force the update of assigned paper # array set forceAssignedPaperUpdateTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About addAudiovisualMaterialSubmissionOption # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't add # 1 means to add audiovisual material submission option (used to customize submission form) # set addAudiovisualMaterialSubmissionOption 1 # >> About fieldValueFilterCommandTable # optional # used to modify fieldValue in Submit # example of field value filter command: # array set fieldValueFilterCommandTable {{Thesis,%8} {regsub {(..)/(..)/(....)} $fieldValue {\3-\2-\1} fieldValue}} # >> About searchForSimilarityIncludingUserNameTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to search for similarity excluding the user name (login) # 1 means to search for similarity including the user name (i.e., to restrict search to the current user name) # used to define how to check for the same authors, title and reference type at submission # example: # array set searchForSimilarityIncludingUserNameTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About allowDuplicateSubmissionTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 1 (allow) # 0 means to don't allow duplicate submission # 1 means to allow duplicate submission # example: # array set allowDuplicateSubmissionTable {{Thesis} 0} # array set allowDuplicateSubmissionTable {{Misc} 0} # >> About testOutOfDateFormTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 1 # 0 means to don't test for out-of-date form # 1 means to test for out-of-date form (default) # set testOutOfDateFormTable(Thesis) 0 # Setting the specific variables if ![info exists language] {set language en} ;# language is not defined at installation (see CreatePermissionList) foreach item $referenceTypeList { set displayTable($item,%@copyright) [list 3 "(?)" {} {}] # set displayTable($item,%@copyright) [list 0 "(?)" {} {}] # set optionTable2($item,%@copyright) {{{} {}} {{CC BY-NC-ND} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-NC-SA} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-NC} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-ND} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-SA} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY} urlib.net/www/2012/} {CC0 urlib.net/www/2012/} {GPLv3 urlib.net/www/2014/} {BSD-3-Clause urlib.net/www/2019/}} ;# commented by GJFB in 2023-12-12 set optionTable2($item,%@copyright) {{{} {}} {{CC BY-NC-ND 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY-NC-SA 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY-NC 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY-ND 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY-SA 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY 4.0} urlib.net/www/2023/} {{CC BY-NC-ND 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-NC-SA 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-NC 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-ND 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY-SA 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {{CC BY 3.0} urlib.net/www/2012/} {CC0 urlib.net/www/2012/} {GPLv3 urlib.net/www/2014/} {BSD-3-Clause urlib.net/www/2019/}} ;# added by GJFB in 2023-12-12 - adding CC version 4.0 set displayTable($item,%@rightsholder) {3 {} {} {}} # set optionTable2($item,%@rightsholder) {{{} {}} {{titular original} {originalauthor yes}} {{titular original não localizado} {originalauthor yes locatedauthor no}} {{INPE por cessão} {originalauthor no holderibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S}}} ;# copied from col/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/ by GJFB in 2021-02-12 - avoids acronym changes and allows indicating when the author cannot be located to give its read permission to the document holder ("trabalho do Sergio") set optionTable2($item,%@rightsholder) {{{} {}} {{titular original} {originalauthor yes}} {{titular original não localizado} {originalauthor yes locatedauthor no}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2021-02-12 set displayTable($item,%@nexthigherunit) {1.1 {} {} {}} set displayTable($item,%@previouslowerunit) {1.1 {} {} {}} set displayTable($item,%@shorttitle) {2.1 {} {} {}} set displayTable($item,%@tertiarymark) {0 {} {} {}} set displayTable($item,%@holdercode) {0 {} {} {}} } # --------------------------------------------> User Registration # array set displayTable {{User Registration,reviewedworklist} 4} ;# reviewedworklist # --------------------------------------------> Advanced User Registration array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%@fullname} 2.1} ;# fullname - values are 0 or 2.1 - 2.1 means to display the field - optional; default is 0 array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} 0} ;# theme - values are 0, 2.2 or 3 - 2.2 or 3 means to display the field - optional; default is 0 # array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,reviewlist} 4} ;# reviewlist # array set optionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {{} {Mathematics} {Physics} {Chemistry} {Biology}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {}} array set boxTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {{{Mathematics} 0} {{Physics} 0} {{Chemistry} 0} {{Biology} 0}}} # --------------------------------------------> Journal Article array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Journal Article} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Journal Article} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Journal Article} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Journal Article} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Journal Article} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Journal Article} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%D %A %T}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {}} # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%A} {1.1\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - journal array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%C} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%V} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - month array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - alternatejournal array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords - commented by GJFB in 2021-08-22 array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords - added by GJFB in 2021-08-22 array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@dissemination} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@issn} {1.1\ {[Help ISSN]} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarymark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarymark array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@group} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission - might be hidden dependending on archivingpolicy array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@versiontype} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - versiontype - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@archivingpolicy} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivingpolicy - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} #array set displayTable {{Journal Article,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {{} {PI} {PN}}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {Português}} if 0 { if [info exists userGroup] { if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {viveca@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br} {ivone@sid.inpe.br ivone@sid.inpe.br} {lmanacero@yahoo.com lmanacero@yahoo.com} {alessandra@sid.inpe.br alessandra@sid.inpe.br} {luis.cpv@hotmail.com luis.cpv@hotmail.com} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda}}]]] $userName] {{{} {not transferred}}}]] } else { # submit array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {{{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transferred}}}} } array set defaultOptionTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {not transferred}} } } # array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@versiontype} {{{} {}} {{Publisher's Version} {publisher}} {{Final Draft Post-Refereeing} {finaldraft}}}} array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@versiontype} {{} {publisher} {finaldraft}}} # --------------------------------------------> Book array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Book} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/gif image/jpeg image/png text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext text/x-tex }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Book} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Book,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {2.1\ {[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book,%6} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Book,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Book,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Book,%Y} {1.1\ {[Help Name %Y]} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Book,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Book,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Book,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Book,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Book,%?} {1.1\ {[Help Name %?]} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator array set displayTable {{Book,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Book,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Book,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Book,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Book,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Book,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Book,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Book,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Book,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Book,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Book,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Book,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Book,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Book,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Book,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Book,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Book,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Book,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Book,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Book,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # --------------------------------------------> Book Section array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book Section} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Book Section} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book Section} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Book Section} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book Section} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book Section} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book Section,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Book Section,%B} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book Section,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book Section,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Book Section,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Book Section,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Book Section,%Y} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%S} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Book Section,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Book Section,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator array set displayTable {{Book Section,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Book Section,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Book Section,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Book Section,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Book Section,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book Section,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Book Section,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book Section,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book Section,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book Section,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book Section,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarymark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarymark array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Book Section,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Book Section,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Book Section,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book Section,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book Section,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{} {LI} {LN}}} # array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Book Section,%@language} {Português}} # --------------------------------------------> Edited Book array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Edited Book} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Edited Book} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/gif image/jpeg image/png text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Edited Book} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Edited Book} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Edited Book} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Edited Book} {no}} array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - editor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%B} {2.1\ {[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%6} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%S} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@electronicmailaddress} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Edited Book,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Edited Book,%S} {{} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Actas} {Anais} {Anales}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%S} {{{} {}} {{Proceedings} {Proceedings}} {{Memória Final} {Memória Final}} {{Memórias} {Memórias}} {{Actas} {Actas}} {{Anais} {Anais}} {{Anales} {Anales}}}} array set optionTable {{Edited Book,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Actes} {Proceedings} {Coletânea} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos Extendidos} {Extended Abstracts} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstracts}}} # --------------------------------------------> Newspaper array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Newspaper} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Newspaper} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext image/bmp image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Newspaper} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Newspaper} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Newspaper} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Newspaper} {%@secondarykey %A %T %I %C %@language %@format %D %8 %V %N %P %K %@area %@project %O}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Newspaper} {}} array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%A} {2.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - editor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%B} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%E} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%8} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# date - issuedate array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - alternateNewspaper array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@group} {0\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository #array set displayTable {{Newspaper,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Newspaper,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} ;# CRI # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} # --------------------------------------------> Newspaper Article array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Newspaper Article} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Newspaper Article} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext image/bmp image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Newspaper Article} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Newspaper Article} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Newspaper Article} {no}} array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%A} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - reporter array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - newspaper array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%E} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - source array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%8} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# date - issuedate array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - alternateNewspaper array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository #array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} ;# CRI if 0 { # testing a script to process the INPE Clippings array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} } # --------------------------------------------> Conference Proceedings array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Conference Proceedings} {20480000}} ;# 20000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Conference Proceedings} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/save application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/x-tex text/plain text/richtext video/mp4 }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Conference Proceedings} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Conference Proceedings} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Conference Proceedings} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%A %T %D %B %8 %C %K %X %@secondarykey %@isbn %@issn %E %I %J}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Conference Proceedings} {}} array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {Work Title}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - conferencename array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - conferencelocation array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - date array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type (used to define theme for the proceedings) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%J} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - publisheraddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN/ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber - accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@issn} {1.1\ {[Help ISSN]} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarymark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarymark array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission - might be hidden dependending on archivingpolicy array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - versiontype - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@archivingpolicy} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivingpolicy - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {all}} # array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {update}} array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Papel} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstract}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{{} {}} {{Anais} {Anais}} {{Anales} {Anales}} {{Actas} {Actas}} {{Proceedings} {Proceedings}} {{Memória Final} {Memória Final}} {{Memórias} {Memórias}} {{Resumos} {Resumos}} {{Resumenes} {Resumenes}} {{Abstract} {Abstract}}}} array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Actes} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos Extendidos} {Extended Abstracts} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstracts} {Pôsteres} {Posters} {Resumos/Pôsteres} {Abstract/Posters} {Vídeos} {Videos}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{{Proceedings} {Proceedings}} {{Memória Final} {Memória Final}} {{Memórias} {Memórias}} {{Actas} {Actas}} {{Anais} {Anais}} {{Anales} {Anales}}}} # array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {{} {CI} {CN}}} # array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {{} {Oral} {Poster} {Artigo} {Comunicação} {Iniciação Científica} {Sessão Oral} {Sessão Técnica Oral} {Sessão Poster} {Posters} {Comité Temático} {Exposicion} {Comunicações} {Artigos}}} array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} { {{} {}} {{Artigo} {Artigo}} {{Artigos} {Artigos}} {{Comité Temático} {Comité Temático}} {{Comunicação} {Comunicação}} {{Comunicações} {Comunicações}} {{Iniciação Científica} {Iniciação Científica}} {{Sessão Oral} {Sessão Oral}} {{Sessão Poster} {Sessão Poster}} {{Sessão Técnica Oral} {Sessão Técnica Oral}} {{Oral} {Oral}} {{Exposicion} {Exposicion}} {{Full Paper} {Full Paper}} {{Master's or Doctoral Works} {Master's or Doctoral Works}} {{Poster} {Poster}} {{Pôster} {Pôster}} {{Posters} {Posters}} {{Short Paper} {Short Paper}} {{Undergraduate Works} {Undergraduate Works}} {{Work in Progress} {Work in Progress}} }} # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%M} {{{Sim} {1}} {{Não} {0}}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} {{{} {}} {{Publisher's Version} {publisher}} {{Final Draft Post-Refereeing} {finaldraft}}}} array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} {{} {publisher} {finaldraft}}} array set excludedSourceFieldNameTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%I %C}} # --------------------------------------------> Thesis array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Thesis} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Thesis} { application/force-download application/gzip application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/vnd.ms-word.document.12 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/x-tex application/zip application/pdf image/png text/plain text/x-tex }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Thesis} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Thesis} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Thesis} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Thesis} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Thesis,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Thesis,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - academicdepartment array set displayTable {{Thesis,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - committee array set displayTable {{Thesis,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - university array set displayTable {{Thesis,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Thesis,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Thesis,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Thesis,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Thesis,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages # the line below must not be used when the supervisor field value (orientador(a)) is set as an attribute in secondaryauthor - committee # for example writting: Grimm, Alice Marlene (orientador) # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%Y} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - supervisor array set displayTable {{Thesis,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Thesis,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data da Defesa}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Thesis,%9} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - thesistype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Thesis,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Thesis,%J} {2.1\ {[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Thesis,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Thesis,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Thesis,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Thesis,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Thesis,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Thesis,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Thesis,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Thesis,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Thesis,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Thesis,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@group} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# project - course array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Thesis,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) # array set displayTable {{Thesis,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Thesis,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set updateOptionTable {{Thesis} {all}} ;# commented is equivalent to all array set depositOptionTable {{Thesis} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%9} {{} {Dissertação de Mestrado} {Masters Thesis} {Tese de Doutorado} {PhD Thesis}}} array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%9} {{{} {}} {{Dissertação de Mestrado} {Dissertação de Mestrado}} {{Masters Thesis} {Masters Thesis}} {{Tese de Doutorado} {Tese de Doutorado}} {{PhD Thesis} {PhD Thesis}}}} # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%9} {{} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Astrofísica)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Computação Aplicada)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Meteorologia)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Propulsão e Combustão)} \ {Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Astrofísica)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Computação Aplicada)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Meteorologia)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Propulsão e Combustão)} \ {Tese (Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto)}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%9} {PhD Thesis}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {}} # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {{} {AST} {CAP} {CMC} {GES} {MET} {PCP} {SER}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {}} # --------------------------------------------> Report # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Report} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Report} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Report} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/x-tex text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Report} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Report} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Report} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Report} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Report,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Report,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Report,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Report,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Report,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - institution array set displayTable {{Report,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Report,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Report,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Report,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Report,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Report,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Report,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Report,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Report,%@schedulinginformation} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - schedulinginformation array set displayTable {{Report,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Report,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Report,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Report,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Report,%?} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator array set displayTable {{Report,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Report,%@} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn - reportnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Report,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Report,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Report,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Report,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Report,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Report,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Report,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Report,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Report,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Report,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Report,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Report,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Report,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Report,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Report,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Report,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Report,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Report,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Report,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Report,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Report,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Report,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Report,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Report,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Report,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Report,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Report,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Report,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Report,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository # array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyright} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Report,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Report,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Report,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Report,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Report} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set optionTable {{Report,%9} {{} {PRP} {RPQ}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Report,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Report,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0} {{On-line} 0}}} # --------------------------------------------> Image # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Image} {204800000}} ;# 200000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Image} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB # array set orderingFieldTable {{Image} {%@secondarykey %M %A %@affiliation %T %V %S %8 %B %K %X %? %O %@lineage %@copyholder %@language %P %9 %@secondarytype %6 %N %@format %1 %C %I %D}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Image} {}} array set contentTypeTable {{Image} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext text/x-tcl text/xml image/bmp image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Image} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Image} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Image} {yes}} # array set displayTable {{Image,%A} {1.1\ # {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Image,%A} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Image,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Image,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Image,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {Localização Geográfica da Cena}}} ;# secondarytitle - place array set displayTable {{Image,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Image,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - credit array set displayTable {{Image,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Image,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - collection array set displayTable {{Image,%6} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - objectsize array set displayTable {{Image,%N} {0\ {} {} {Image Size (Dimension in px: width x height)}}} ;# number - imagesize - is automatically filled out array set displayTable {{Image,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofitems array set displayTable {{Image,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Image,%S} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - theme array set displayTable {{Image,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Image,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {Data em que a Foto Foi Tirada}}} ;# date - date array set displayTable {{Image,%9} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Image,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Image,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Image,%?} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - component array set displayTable {{Image,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Image,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Image,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Image,%M} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Image,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - instrument array set displayTable {{Image,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Image,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Image,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Image,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Image,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Image,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (in 2.1d the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Image,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Image,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Image,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Image,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Image,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Image,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {Localização do Original}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Image,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Image,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Image,%@secondarytype} {3\ {} {} {Cor}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Image,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Image,%@format} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Image,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Image,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area # array set displayTable {{Image,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Image,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid # array set displayTable {{Image,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Image,%@orcid} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Image,%@group} {0\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Image,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Image,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Image,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Image,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Image,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Image,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Image,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Image,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Image,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Image,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Image,%@lineage} {1.1\ {} {} {Procedência}}} ;# - lineage # array set displayTable {{Image,%@copyright} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright #array set displayTable {{Image,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Image,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Image,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Image,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Image,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Image} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set boxTable {{Image,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Image,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Image,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Image,%9} {{} {fotografia} {pintura} {radiografia} {tomografia} {transparência} {painting} {slide}}} # termos extraídos do Glossário de termos utilizados na descrição do acervo da Fundação Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso: # {álbum fotográfico} {fotografia} {fotografia oficial} {inventário fotográfico} {relatório fotográfico} {reportagem fotográfica} {retrato} {retrato de família} # array set optionTable {{Image,%9} {{} {álbum fotográfico} {fotografia} {fotografia oficial} {imagem criada por IA} {inventário fotográfico} {pintura} {prospecto} {radiografia} {relatório fotográfico} {reportagem fotográfica} {retrato} {retrato de família} {tomografia} {transparência} {painting} {slide}}} ;# commented by GJFB in 2023-11-06 array set optionTable {{Image,%9} {{} {Álbum Fotográfico} {Fotografia} {Imagem por IA} {Pintura} {Prospecto} {Radiografia} {Reportagem Fotográfica} {Retrato} {Tomografia}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2023-11-06 array set optionTable2 {{Image,%@secondarytype} {{{color} {color}} {{b&w} {b&w}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Image,%@format} {{{} {}} {{bmp} {bmp}} {{jpeg} {jpeg}} {{tiff} {tiff}}}} # if {[info exists referenceType] && [string equal {Image} $referenceType]} { # if [info exists copyrightRepository] { # array set optionTable2 [list {Image,%@copyright} [CreateOptionListForCopyright $copyrightRepository]] ;# time consuming # } # } # --------------------------------------------> Data # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Data} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Data} {327680000}} ;# 320000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Data} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB # array set orderingFieldTable {{Data} {%@secondarykey %M %A %T %V %S %8 %B %K %X %? %O %@lineage %@copyholder %@language %P %9 %@secondarytype %6 %N %@format %1 %C %I %D}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Data} {}} array set contentTypeTable {{Data} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/rdf+xml application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext text/xml image/bmp image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Data} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Data} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Data} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Data,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - runby array set displayTable {{Data,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - date array set displayTable {{Data,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Data,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {Tipos de Observação}}} ;# secondarytitle - observationtypes array set displayTable {{Data,%E} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - program array set displayTable {{Data,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - agency array set displayTable {{Data,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Data,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Data,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Data,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - numberofobservations array set displayTable {{Data,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - interval array set displayTable {{Data,%Y} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - receiver array set displayTable {{Data,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Data,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - version array set displayTable {{Data,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - time array set displayTable {{Data,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Data,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject array set displayTable {{Data,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session array set displayTable {{Data,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Data,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Data,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Data,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Data,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Data,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - instrument array set displayTable {{Data,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Data,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Data,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Data,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Data,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Data,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (in 2.1d the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Data,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Data,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Data,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Data,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Data,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Data,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Data,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Data,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Data,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Data,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Data,%@format} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Data,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Data,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Data,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Data,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Data,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Data,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Data,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Data,%@project} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Data,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Data,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Data,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Data,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Data,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Data,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Data,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Data,%@lineage} {0\ {} {} {Procedência}}} ;# - lineage # array set displayTable {{Data,%@copyright} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright #array set displayTable {{Data,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Data,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Data,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Data,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Data,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Data,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Data,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Data,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # --------------------------------------------> Audiovisual Material # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Audiovisual Material} {143360000}} ;# 140000 KiB # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Audiovisual Material} {225280000}} ;# 220000 KiB # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Audiovisual Material} {327680000}} ;# 320000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Audiovisual Material} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB array set contentTypeTable { {Audiovisual Material} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/powerpoint application/rar application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12 application/vnd.ms-pps application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-gzip application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip audio/wav text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext video/mp4 } } array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Audiovisual Material} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Audiovisual Material} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Audiovisual Material} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - conferencename array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - conferencelocation array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofslides array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%S} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@schedulinginformation} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - schedulinginformation array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@subject} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%J} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - publisheraddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository # array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set optionTable {{Audiovisual Material,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Actes} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos Extendidos} {Extended Abstracts} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstracts} {Pôsteres} {Posters} {Resumos/Pôsteres} {Abstracts/Posters} {Vídeos} {Videos}}} array set optionTable2 {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {{{shown} {shown}} {{hidden} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {shown}} # --------------------------------------------> Film or Broadcast # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Film or Broadcast} {122880000}} ;# 120000 KiB # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Film or Broadcast} {409600000}} ;# 400000 KiB # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Film or Broadcast} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Film or Broadcast} {614400000}} ;# 600000 KiB array set contentTypeTable { {Film or Broadcast} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext text/xml video/mp4 } } array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Film or Broadcast} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Film or Broadcast} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Film or Broadcast} {%D %A %T %B %C %8 %K %X}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Film or Broadcast} {%A %T %J %D %B %8 %K %X %Y %? %1 %I %C %@format}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Film or Broadcast} {}} array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - director array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - yearreleased array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - seriesdirector array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - distributor array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - runningtime array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%Y} {1.1\ {[Help Name %Y]} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - producer array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@schedulinginformation} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - schedulinginformation array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {}}} ;# date - datereleased array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - medium array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@subject} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%?} {1.1\ {[Help Name %?]} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - photographer array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%1} {1.1\ {[Help Name %1]} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - cast array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - synopsis array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} {3\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists update] { if $update { # update if [info exists userGroup] { array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}}}]]] $userName] {{{} {not transferred}}}]] } else { array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {{} {not transferred}}}] } } else { # submit array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {{} {not transferred}}}] } array set defaultOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} {not transferred}} } array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@lineage} {1.1\ {} {} {Procedência}}} ;# - lineage #array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set boxTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set boxTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {{{shown} {shown}} {{hidden} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {shown}} # --------------------------------------------> Computer Program array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Computer Program} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Computer Program} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/css text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Computer Program} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Computer Program} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Computer Program} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Computer Program} {no}} array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - programmer array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%I} {2.1\ {} {Deposited in the URLib collection.} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - version array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%J} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - computer array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Computer Program,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {Português}} array set optionTable2 {{Computer Program,%@visibility} {{{shown} {shown}} {{hidden} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@visibility} {shown}} # --------------------------------------------> Patent array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Patent} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Patent} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip message/rfc822 text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Patent} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Patent} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Patent} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Patent} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Patent,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Patent,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Patent,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Patent,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - pubsource array set displayTable {{Patent,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - assignee array set displayTable {{Patent,%C} {2.1\ {} {Brasil} {}}} ;# placepublished - country array set displayTable {{Patent,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Patent,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Patent,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - issue array set displayTable {{Patent,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Patent,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Patent,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Patent,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Patent,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Patent,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Patent,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Patent,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Patent,%@} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn - patentnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Patent,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Patent,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Patent,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Patent,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Patent,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Patent,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Patent,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Patent,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Patent,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Patent,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Patent,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Patent,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Patent,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Patent,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Patent,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Patent,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Patent,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Patent,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Patent,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Patent,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Patent,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Patent,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Patent,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Patent,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Patent,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository # array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Patent,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set optionTable {{Patent,%9} {{} {MAN} {NTC} {PUD}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Patent,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Patent,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Patent,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Patent,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} # array set optionTable {{Patent,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@language} {Português}} # --------------------------------------------> Electronic Source array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Electronic Source} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate)}} ;# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have a centralized header # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate)\\2}} ;# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate}} array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {%5Chref%7Bhttp://urlib.net/$repName%7D%7BINPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate%7D}} # array set contentTypeTable {{Electronic Source} {\ # application/postscript application/octet-stream}} array set contentTypeTable {{Electronic Source} { application/download application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Electronic Source} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Electronic Source} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Electronic Source} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Electronic Source} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%A} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - alternatepublication array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - producer array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - accessyear array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - accessdate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - lastupdatedate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%9} {0\ {} {On-line} {}}} ;# typeofwork - typeofmedium array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject - subject array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@session} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# session - session array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - stageofalternatepublication array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile (if headerTable exists then this field must be invisible) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@resumeid} {1.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@orcid} {1.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@group} {1.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@affiliation} {1.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission # array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {ePrint update} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {1\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,password1} {x\ {(*)[Help Password1]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Electronic Source} 0} if {[info exists update] && $update} { if {![info exists publishingYear] || [string equal {} $publishingYear] || ![info exists size] || [string equal {} $size]} { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) } else { # published array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) } # array set updateOptionTable {{Electronic Source} {update}} } # array set optionTable {{Electronic Source,%9} {{} {MAN} {NTC} {PUD}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {Português}} # --------------------------------------------> Misc # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Misc} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Misc} {512000000}} ;# 500000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Misc} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.ms-excel application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12 application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/bmp image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff text/css text/html text/plain text/richtext text/xml text/x-tex }} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Misc} {%@doi %@isbn %@issn %@secondarykey %A %T %D %C %I %P}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Misc} {}} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Misc} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Misc} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Misc} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Misc} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Misc,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Misc,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Misc,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Misc,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Misc,%E} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - institution # array set displayTable {{Misc,%I} {0\ {} {Deposited in the URLib collection.} {}}} ;# publisher - howpublished # array set displayTable {{Misc,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {Publisher}}} ;# publisher - howpublished array set displayTable {{Misc,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - howpublished array set displayTable {{Misc,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Misc,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Misc,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Misc,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Misc,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Misc,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Misc,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Misc,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Misc,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - date # array set displayTable {{Misc,%9} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# type array set displayTable {{Misc,%9} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# type array set displayTable {{Misc,%@subject} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subject array set displayTable {{Misc,%?} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Misc,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Misc,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Misc,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Misc,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Misc,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Misc,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Misc,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Misc,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Misc,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Misc,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Misc,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Misc,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Misc,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Misc,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Misc,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Misc,%@contenttype} {3\ {[Help ContentType]} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Misc,%@copyholder} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Misc,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Misc,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Misc,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Misc,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Misc,%@secondarydate} {0\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Misc,%@area} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Misc,%@isbn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Misc,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Misc,%@mark} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Misc,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Misc,%@orcid} {2.1\ {[Help ORCID]} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Misc,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Misc,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Misc,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Misc,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Misc,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Misc,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission # array set displayTable {{Misc,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Próximo Estágio}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Misc,%@documentstage} {3\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists update] { if $update { # update if [info exists userGroup] { # array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}}}]]] $userName] {{{don't transfer} {not transferred}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}}}]]] $userName] {{{} {not transferred}}}]] } else { array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@documentstage} {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {{} {not transferred}}}] } } else { # submit array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@documentstage} {{{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {{} {not transferred}}}] } array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@documentstage} {not transferred}} } array set displayTable {{Misc,%@parameterlist} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parameterlist array set displayTable {{Misc,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Misc,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Misc,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Misc,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Misc,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository # array set displayTable {{Misc,%@copyright} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Misc,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) # array set displayTable {{Misc,filename} {x\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means do not display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set optionTable {{Misc,%9} {{} {Dissertação de Mestrado} {Tese de Doutorado} {Manual} {Nota Técnica} {Material Didático} {Masters Thesis} {PhD Thesis}}} # array set optionTable {{Misc,%9} {{} {Ofício} {Fala} {Ata} {Lista de Presença} {Chapa}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Misc,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable {{Misc,%9} {{} {Letter} {Carta} {Formal Letter} {Ofício} {Memo} {Memorando} {Calendar} {Calendário} {Post} {Postagem}}} # array set boxTable {{Misc,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Misc,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} # array set boxTable {{Misc,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set optionTable {{Misc,%@contenttype} {{} {External Contribution} {Bibliography Data Base}}} ;# confirmed by GJFB in 2021-06-28 - setting in accordance with the code in mirror.tcl # array set optionTable {{Misc,%@contenttype} {{} {External Contribution} {Bibliography Data Base} {Index} {Mirror} {Tcl Page}}} ;# commented by GJFB in 2021-06-28 array set optionTable2 {{Misc,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@copyholder} {}} # array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} if {[info exists referenceType] && [string equal {Misc} $referenceType]} { if [info exists copyrightRepository] { array set optionTable2 [list {Misc,%@copyright} [CreateOptionListForCopyright $copyrightRepository]] ;# time consuming } } # --------------------------------------------> Resume array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Resume} {8192000}} ;# 8000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Resume} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/bmp image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/tiff text/html text/plain text/richtext text/xml text/x-tex }} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Resume} {%@doi %@isbn %@issn %@secondarykey %A %T %D %C %I %P}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Resume} {}} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Resume} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Resume} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Resume} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Resume} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Resume,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - fullname array set displayTable {{Resume,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year array set displayTable {{Resume,%T} {2.1\ {} {Some of my publications} {}}} ;# title array set displayTable {{Resume,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - placeofbirth array set displayTable {{Resume,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Resume,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Resume,%C} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished array set displayTable {{Resume,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Resume,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Resume,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Resume,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Resume,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Resume,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Resume,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Resume,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - dateofbirth array set displayTable {{Resume,%9} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - contents array set displayTable {{Resume,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Resume,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Resume,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Resume,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Resume,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Resume,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Resume,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Resume,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Resume,%K} {0\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Resume,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Resume,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Resume,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Resume,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Resume,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Resume,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Resume,%@language} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Resume,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Resume,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Resume,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Resume,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Resume,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Resume,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Resume,%@secondarydate} {0\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Resume,%@area} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Resume,%@isbn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Resume,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Resume,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Resume,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Resume,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Resume,%@group} {0\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Resume,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Resume,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Resume,%@project} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Resume,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Resume,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Resume,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Resume,foldername} {0\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Resume,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Resume,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Resume,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Resume,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Resume,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Resume,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Resume,%@creatorhistory} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - creatorhistory array set displayTable {{Resume,filename} {0\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means do not display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Resume,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Resume,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Resume,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set boxTable {{Resume,%9} {{{Journal Article} 1} {{Conference Proceedings} 0} {{Thesis} 0}}} array set acceptCheckBoxFlagTable {{Resume} 0} array set updateOptionTable {{Resume} {update finish}} # --------------------------------------------> Archival Unit array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Archival Unit} {8192000}} ;# 8000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Archival Unit} { image/jpeg image/png text/html }} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Archival Unit} {%@secondarykey %A %T %@shorttitle %D}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Archival Unit} {}} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Archival Unit} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Archival Unit} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Archival Unit} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Archival Unit} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - creatorname array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%T} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# title array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%9} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - contents array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {Access Point
(Keywords)}}} ;# keywords array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Scope and Content
(Abstract)}}} ;# abstract array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%O} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories # array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@secondarytype} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@secondarydate} {0\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@area} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark # array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid # array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@orcid} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@group} {2.1\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@project} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@parameterlist} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parameterlist array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,foldername} {0\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@descriptionlevel} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - descriptionlevel array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@creatorhistory} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - creatorhistory array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,%@archivist} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivist array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,filename} {0\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means do not display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Archival Unit,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set optionTable {{Archival Unit,%@descriptionlevel} {{} Fonds Collection Sub-fonds Sub-collection Series Sub-series File Sub-file item}} # array set optionTable2 {{Archival Unit,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Archival Unit,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Archival Unit,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Image} {image}}}} # array set updateOptionTable {{Archival Unit} {update finish}} array set updateOptionTable {{Archival Unit} {all}} # --------------------------------------------> Administrative Document array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Administrative Document} {8192000}} ;# 8000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Administrative Document} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/x-tex text/plain text/richtext }} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Administrative Document} {%@secondarykey %A %T %@shorttitle %D}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Administrative Document} {}} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Administrative Document} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Administrative Document} {(+)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Administrative Document} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Administrative Document} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - creatorname array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%T} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# title array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%E} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - recipient array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - institution array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle # array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - schedulinginformation array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@schedulinginformation} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - schedulinginformation array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%9} {3\ {} {} {Tipo Documental}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%K} {1.2\ {[Help Keywords %K]} {} {Access Point
(Keywords)}}} ;# keywords array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Scope and Content
(Abstract)}}} ;# abstract array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%O} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories # array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {Suporte}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@secondarydate} {0\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@area} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@isbn} {0\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@resumeid} {0\ {[Help ResumeID]} {} {}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@orcid} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - orcid array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@group} {0\ {[Help Group]} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Archival Classification}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@parameterlist} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parameterlist array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,foldername} {0\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@descriptionlevel} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - descriptionlevel array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@creatorhistory} {1.2\ {} {} {História Administrativa ou Biografia}}} ;# - creatorhistory array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@lineage} {1.2\ {} {} {História arquivística/Procedência}}} ;# - lineage array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@archivist} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivist array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {Nível de Acesso}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means do not display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Administrative Document,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set boxTable {{Administrative Document,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Administrative Document,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Administrative Document,%@readpermission} [list {{Público} {allow from all}} [list {Restrito} intranet] {{Sigiloso} {deny from all}}]] array set optionTable {{Administrative Document,%9} { {} {Atas} {Ato Normativo} {Aviso} {Carta} {Circular} {Contrato} {Comunicação Interna} {Decreto} {Deliberação} {Designação} {Despacho} {Edital} {Estatuto} {Instrução Normativa} {Lista de Presença} {Memorando} {Minuta} {Ofício} {Ordem de Serviço} {Ordem Interna} {Parecer} {Parecer Normativo} {Parecer Técnico} {Portaria} {Regimento} {Regulamento} {Resolução} {Resolução Executiva} {Resolução Interna} {Texto} {Texto de Divulgação} }} array set optionTable {{Administrative Document,%@descriptionlevel} {{} Fonds Collection Sub-fonds Sub-collection Series Sub-series File Sub-file item}} # array set optionTable2 {{Administrative Document,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Administrative Document,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} # array set updateOptionTable {{Administrative Document} {update finish}} array set updateOptionTable {{Administrative Document} {all}} #