
The 30 most frequent keywords are listed below.
The number at the left of each keyword listed below, refers to the number of occurrences of this keyword in the field Keywords.
This statistical evaluation was made on: February 12, 2025
(only the administrator can update it by pressing the Reload Button of the URLibService graphic interface with the repository selected - all the sites listed in the @siteList.txt file of this repository must be running).

3407 inpe
3112 sensoriamento remoto
2998 remote sensing
2718 amazônia
2358 instituto nacional de pesquisas espaciais inpe
2177 desmatamento
1947 gps
1835 clima espacial
1803 gnss
1756 geodésia espacial
1753 space climate
1753 space geodesy
1426 queimadas
1351 brasil
1250 meteorologia
 927 engenharia e tecnologia espacial
 797 geoprocessamento
 755 image processing
 694 satélite
 657 imagens de satélite
 631 deforestation
 581 processamento de imagens
 572 mato grosso
 566 aeronomia
 560 monitoramento
 554 meio ambiente
 553 gis
 547 geologia
 546 mecb
 523 cerrado