cast = "Ivan Toucedo; Bruno Garcia; Olajide Owoyomi; Jahanne Ayeley;
Oladayo Olayiwola; Dennys Oliveira; Gislaine Medeiros; Melyssa de
Andrade; Jesus Alberto",
country = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos, SP",
datereleased = "2024-11-28",
director = "{Comiss{\~a}o Organizadora do II SAGE}",
keywords = "Semana Acad{\^e}mica da Geof{\'{\i}}sica Espacial.",
url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD2USPTW34P/4CJGCLL",
runningtime = "194min.",
synopsis = "Apresenta{\c{c}}{\~o}es da manh{\~a} do dia 28/11/2024 do II
SAGE 2024: Lightning Projections for Brazil under Climate and
Socioeconomic Future Scenarios (Caio Oliveira); Medium-scale
gravity wave observation over the Antarctic continent by airglow
imaging (Gabriel Augusto); Study of the Atypical Sporadic E-Layers
(Es) over the Equatorial and SAMA Stations (Lais Luz Campos); The
unusual backward behavior of the ionospheric irregularity
velocities over Cachoeira Paulista - Brazil (Roberto Moreira);
Integrating Science and Development in GSST: Advancing Total Solar
Irradiance Observations (Franciele Carlesso); Enhancing Total
Solar Irradiance Measurement with Advanced Thermo-Optic Sensors
Using Mach-Zehnder Interferometers (Adriany Barbosa); A
Statistical Study of Daytime Sky Quality at Pico dos Dias
Observatory for Operation of Galileo Solar Space Telescope (Edith
Tueros); The Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit: An overview from
the AFINSA network (Rub{\'e}n Mauricio); Oscillations of the
geomagnetic field as a tool for studying lithospheric resistivity
in central Brazil (Elianara Fagundes).",
targetfile = "28_Morning.mp4",
title = "Semana Acad{\^e}mica da Geof{\'{\i}}sica Espacial (SAGE) - 28
nov. 2024 - Manh{\~a}",
yearreleased = "2024",
urlaccessdate = "2025, Feb. 14"