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		<title>Semana Acadêmica da Geofísica Espacial (SAGE) - 26 nov. 2024 - Manhã</title>
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		<director>Comissão Organizadora do II SAGE,</director>
		<affiliation>Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)</affiliation>
		<city>São José dos Campos, SP</city>
		<cast>Alexandre Macedo Marlos Rockenbach da Silva Livia Ribeiro Alves Saul Sanchez Fernando Guarnieri Luis Vieira</cast>
		<keywords>Semana Acadêmica da Geofísica Espacial.</keywords>
		<synopsis>Apresentações da manhã do dia 26/11/2024 do II SAGE 2024: - AEB - Alexandre Macedo - What is important to know about the CAPES Quadrennial Assessment in the area of Geosciences? - Marlos Rockenbach da Silva - Implications of rapid geomagnetic field variation in the radiation belts during geomagnetic storms - Livia Ribeiro Alves - The first near-real time simulation of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances - GSST - Fernando Guarnieri - GSST - Luis Vieira.</synopsis>
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