cast = "Ivan Toucedo; Bruno Garcia; Olajide Owoyomi; Jahanne Ayeley;
Oladayo Olayiwola; Dennys Oliveira; Gislaine Medeiros; Melyssa de
Andrade; Jesus Alberto",
country = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos, SP",
datereleased = "2024-11-27",
director = "{Comiss{\~a}o Organizadora do II SAGE}",
keywords = "Semana Acad{\^e}mica da Geof{\'{\i}}sica Espacial.",
ibi = "8JMKD2USPTW34P/4CJ4HQP",
url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD2USPTW34P/4CJ4HQP",
runningtime = "180min.",
synopsis = "Apresenta{\c{c}}{\~o}es da manh{\~a} do dia 27/11/2024 do II
SAGE 2024: Relationship between the peak current of the return
stroke and the speeds of the darts and stepped leaders (Ivan
Toucedo); A Detailed Examination of Solar Flare Activity During
the May 2024 Solar Event (Bruno Garcia); Meteor Trails
Characterization (Olajide Owoyomi); Harnessing Physics-Informed
Neural Networks for Advanced Modeling in Space Geophysics (Johanne
Ayeley); Disturbance Dynamo in the Brazilian Sector: A Comparative
Analysis of 2015 and 2020 Geomagnetic Storms (Oladayo Olayiwola);
Seminar (Denny Oliveira); Physical processes responsible for two
different types of variabilities of the relativistic electron flux
in the outer radiation belt (Gislaine Medeiros); New Insights into
the Role of Lightning-Induced Remanent Magnetization in
Paleomagnetic and Paleoclimate Studies (Melyssa de Andrade); Time
variation of Forbush Decreases from 2006 to 2024 detected by The
Brazilian Southern Space Observatorys Muons Detector using wavelet
transforms (Jesus Alberto).",
targetfile = "27-11-2024_Morning.mp4",
title = "Semana Acad{\^e}mica da Geof{\'{\i}}sica Espacial (SAGE) - 27
nov. 2024 - Manh{\~a}",
yearreleased = "2024",
urlaccessdate = "09 fev. 2025"