
               author = "Muella, M{\'a} and Honorato, rcio Tadeu de Assis and Fagundes, P. 
                         R. and Bittencourt, Jos{\'e} and Augusto and Sahai, Y. and Lima, 
                         W. L. C. and Becker-Guedes, F. and Pillat, V. G.",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}} and {ba (UNIVAP)} and 
                         {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}} and {ba (UNIVAP)} and 
                         {Centro Universit{\'a}} and {rio Luterano de Palmas (CEULP)} and 
                         {Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}}",
                title = "Nighttime thermospheric meridional neutral winds inferred from 
                         ionospheric hF and hpF2 data",
              journal = "Advances in Space Research",
                 year = "2008",
               volume = "41",
               number = "4",
                pages = "599--610",
             keywords = "Thermospheric neutral winds, F region, Atmospheric models, Digital 
             abstract = "Nighttime thermospheric meridional winds aligned to the magnetic 
                         meridian have been inferred using hF and hpF2 ionosonde data taken 
                         from two equatorial stations, Manaus (2.9S, 60.0W, dip latitude 
                         6.0N) and Palmas (10.17S, 48.2W, dip latitude 6.2S), and one 
                         low-latitude station, Sao Jose dos Campos (23.21S, 45.86W, dip 
                         latitude 17.26S), during geomagnetic quiet days of August and 
                         September, 2002. Using an extension of the ionospheric servo model 
                         and a simple formulation of the diffusive vertical drift velocity, 
                         the magnetic meridional component of the thermospheric neutral 
                         winds is inferred, respectively, at the peak (hpF2) and at the 
                         base (hF) heights of the F region over Sao Jose dos Campos. An 
                         approach has been included in the models to derive the effects of 
                         the electrodynamic drift over Sao Jose dos Campos from the time 
                         derivative of hpF2 and hF observed at the equatorial stations. The 
                         magnetic meridional winds inferred from the two methods, for the 
                         months of August and September, are compared with winds calculated 
                         using the HWM-90 model and with measurements from FabryPerot 
                         technique. The results show varying agreements and disagreements. 
                         Meridional winds calculated from hpF2 ionospheric data (servo 
                         model) may produce errors of about 59 m/s, whereas the method 
                         calculated from the F-region base height (hF) ionospheric data 
                         gives errors of about 69 m/s during the occurrence of equatorial 
                  doi = "10.1016/j.asr.2007.09.032",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2007.09.032",
                 issn = "0273-1177",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "nighttime.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "14 fev. 2025"
