Search Result
The search expression was < using impacts multi:analysis long term fire dynamics impacts amazon using integrated multi source fire observations:>.
3 similar references found (including the original one) looking up in 17 out of 17 Archives.
Search local date and time: 27/07/2024 03:54.
id 8JMKD3MGP3W34T/4B6BATP    Conference Paper    (1.00)    -m-
Schroeder, W., et al. :2008:
Analysis of Long-term Fire Dynamics and Impacts in the Amazon Using Integrated Multi-source Fire Observations
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id J8LNKAN8RW/39RS9KD    Journal Article    (0.25)    -m-
Numata, I.; Cochrane, M. A. & Galvao, L. S. :2011:
Analyzing the Impacts of Frequency and Severity of Forest Fire on the Recovery of Disturbed Forest using Landsat Time Series and EO-1 Hyperion in the Southern Brazilian Amazon
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id x6e6X3pFwXQZ3DUS8rS5/EdeKp    Conference Paper    (0.22)    -m-
Setzer, A. W. & Pereira, J. A. R. :2004:
The operational fire alert system of Brazil: a detection and management tool using multiple satellites
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